Bailey Monument Co./Wilbert Burial Vaults - Waycross
In 1908 Wade and Emma Bailey started Bailey Marble and Granite Works in Waycross, Ga. From its simple beginnings, Bailey Monument Company has been serving the families of our area for more than 96 years, building and erecting quality memorials.
The same personal attention to all facets of the business which marked M.W. Bailey's operation is carried on today by his son, James H. Bailey. Personal attention in each step in the selecting, designing, manufacturing and installation of a memorial make the phrase "A tradition since 1908" a reality rather than just a slogan.
As a long-time member of the Monument Builders of North America, Bailey Monument subscribes to its strict code of ethics and standards. And because of our membership, you can be assured of our integrity and reliability.
Bailey Monument Co./Wilbert Burial Vaults
2125 Minnesota Ave
PO Box 18
Waycross GA 31502-0018
Tel: 912 283-8454
Fax: 912 283-7780