Georgia Funeral Directors Association
GFDA, through its Executive Committee and staff, serves as a resource center for information on all aspects of funeral service, and strives to answer all questions in a courteous manner while providing a greater understanding of the funeral service profession.
Georgia Funeral Directors Association, Inc. is the oldest and largest funeral service professional association in the state. Founded in 1899, we currently provide the following services:
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS: The association offers continuing education forums at various times throughout each year, featuring presentations on topics that are timely, cost effective, and highly informative to funeral directors and embalmers. The majority of these programs are approved for CEU credit by the Georgia State Board of Funeral Service.
The GFDA Annual Conference, usually held in late spring or early summer, provides the opportunity for members to keep abreast of the rapidly changing funeral service environment through seminars led by industry renowned professionals.
The association also holds either District Meetings in the fall and/or a Mid-Winter Conference in January or February. These meetings provide opportunities for members to gather and discuss the most current issues involving the association and the funeral service profession. The Mid-Winter Conference affords continuing education and forums for discussion on current issues and legislation.
PUBLICATIONS: GFDA publishes a newsletter that is distributed to all members throughout the state. The “GFDA Newsletter†provides a forum for information about association activities and funeral service for dissemination to the membership.
In addition to editorials by the President and Executive Director, the newsletter contains valuable third party, legislative, compliance-related and funeral service management articles. The newsletter is available to the general membership for open letters, comments, praises or suggestions regarding association activities and serves as the conduit for updates on GFDA Committee activities.
STATE AND FEDERAL LEGISLATION: GFDA maintains a government affairs lobbyist who continuously monitors legislation of interest to the funeral service profession. Our lobbyist works closely with the Executive Board and Executive Director to monitor legislation and express views of the association to elected leadership of Georgia. Additionally, the lobbyist maintains close working relationships with state regulatory agencies, related funeral industry organizations, the insurance industry, and the business and legal communities. On the national level, GFDA corresponds with members of the Georgia Congressional Delegation regarding federal issues of concern to the funeral profession.
The association maintains the Georgia Funeral Directors Association Political Action Committee (GFDA PAC). The GFDA PAC forms the basis of contributions to political campaigns and allows the association to take a proactive stance in the elective process in Georgia. Through the GFDA PAC, the association lends our support to candidates who are advocates of GFDA views and opinions as regards funeral service profession legislation.
NATIONAL FUNERAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION: GFDA, through a choice/federated membership structure, maintains a close working relationship with the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA), the largest funeral service organization in the world. NFDA offers a wide range of services and benefits to its members, including input on key federal legislation, federal compliance information, public relations tools, “The Director Magazine†subscription, workshops, and more.
GFDA is represented on the NFDA Policy Board, an advisory committee to State Associations and members. Additionally, GFDA has its own delegates and alternate delegates to the NFDA House of Delegates, the governing body of NFDA at the annual meeting.
PUBLIC RELATIONS: GFDA, through its Executive Committee and Executive Director, serves as a resource center for information on all aspects of funeral service. Calls are fielded daily from members, non-members and the general public requesting assistance, from employment opportunities to public awareness questions to consumer concerns. GFDA serves as a clearinghouse for the public on questions about all aspects of funeral service, and strives to answer all questions in a courteous manner while providing a greater understanding of the funeral service profession.
Georgia Funeral Directors Association
PO Box 1865
Roswell GA 30077-1865
Tel: 770 592-8002
Fax: 770 592-3686
